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Real shit
I believe when we share the struggles with each other, we connect through vulnerability and empathy. Napoleon Hill once said, “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” And the struggle is sometimes shitty, raw and tough but we need to talk about it anyways..
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Health and wellness
You’ve already created the structure in your work life for success, so how do you take that same approach to your health? I’ll give you my secrets for how to stay healthy and happy, with a balanced approach to fitness and investing in your personal care (because yes, you’re WORTH it).
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It’s what fuels our personal development, yet we’re often terrified to do it because we’ll lose stem from what we’re working on at home. Travel can feed your soul and I share how you can do it affordably and within your bandwidth so you continue to prioritize seeing new things in your life.
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Save that money
You worked hard to earn those dollar bills, so you don’t want to spend ‘em on just ANYTHING. From style deals to real talk on how to negotiate your bills, my tips and tricks will help you never pay full price again.
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Entrepreneur tips
If you’re overwhelmed on what podcast to listen to, what blog to follow and where you should get the tactical information you need to grow your business, this is the section for you. I’ll share the cliff’s notes versions of what I’ve discovered and what moves the needle for me, and you.
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